Local Support Groups


To find all the information on all Carers Hubs and support in the South Cambridgeshire area please click on the link: https://www.caringtogether.org/support-for-carers/adult-carers/carers-hubs/

Carers Cafes

For anyone caring for a friend, neighbour, partner or family member, even if you aren’t a patient with Maple or Willingham Surgeries, you can come along to our meetings.  You can bring the person you are caring for with you. 

This gives you the opportunity to talk to other people in the same situation, feel that you are not alone, ask for support, or advice, from our social prescribing link worker and the hub team.

Bar Hill Carers Cafe

The cafe’s are held on the second Monday of every month between 10am-11.30am.


Church Centre
Memorial Garden
Viking Way
Bar Hill
CB23 8EH

Willingham Carers Cafe

Cafe’s run on the first Wednesday of every month in the Surgery 2pm-4pm


Willingham Medical Practice
52 Long Ln
CB24 5LB


Hearing Voices Cambridgeshire

Hearing Voices Cambridgeshire offer online and in-person peer support groups for adults who hear voices and/or experience visions, tactile sensations or other sensory experiences. They have a website with information, tips and coping strategies and links to other resources.


Addicted to Football

Addicted to Football is a community group supporting individuals facing mental health challenges and/or addiction. They provide a welcoming space where people can unwind, have fun and connect with others through playing football. Meeting weekly in Cambridge and Sawston.


Local Care Micro-Enterprises

Some new local Care Micro-Enterprises have been added to the Care Together Help at Home Directory (and the How Are You South Cambs webpage has been updated: https://haysouthcambs.co.uk/support/micro-enterprises-care-and-support-for-older-and-disabled-people/).

ATTEND Study for Young People Experiencing Low Mood

Researchers at CPFT and the University of Cambridge have developed a new mindfulness treatment to help young people and their carers to cope better with negative emotions.  Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) combines training in mindfulness meditation with principles from cognitive therapy. The ATTEND study is looking for young people aged between 15-18 years who are currently experiencing low mood or depression, and who have previously had help but are still struggling. If someone you know would like to take part, get in touch with the study team via attend@medschl.cam.ac.uk

Meet our new Village Agents in South Cambs

Kari and Sophie have joined Angela and Lisa from Cambridgeshire ACRE to support Community Hubs in South Cambs – find out more here: https://haysouthcambs.co.uk/support/community-hubs-village-agents/

Free Activities for Local Older People at Arlington Manor Care Home in Girton

Arlington Manor welcomes non-residents to attend these weekly activities which are FREE to attend but do let Martin know in advance so he can sign visitors in: martin.dickson@hallmarkcarehomes.co.uk

  • Card & Board Games Club: Mondays 11.30am – 12.30pm
  • Songs & Smiles Mother & Baby Group: Wednesday 11am – 12pm
  • Classical Music Club: Wednesday 3.45pm – 4.30pm
  • Memory Cafe: 3rd Friday of the month 2pm – 3.30pm
  • Caring Together Charity Group: 3rd Tuesday of the month 11.30am – 1pm

 Community Grief Training with Cruse & Co-op

On 20 March in Cambridge, Cruse Bereavement Support & Community Connections Cambridgeshire and Peterborough are running a Community Grief Training workshop to empower people to have conversations about grief and support people in their communities who might be feeling alone. If you’d like to attend, use the link below to sign up:

NHS Volunteer Responders Telephone Support

NHS Volunteer Responders help by giving you or someone you know a friendly call and a listening ear. Whether it’s a one-off chat or regular support, anyone can use this free service – just call 0808 196 3646 or visit https://nhscarevolunteerresponders.org/id-like-support to register.

Connecting Nature & Heritage at Fitzwilliam Museum

The Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge is running a FREE 8-week creative programme for adults aged 65+ called ‘Connecting Nature and Heritage’ – a hands-on, creative programme that nurtures health and wellbeing. Book onto one of these programmes:

  • Wednesdays (10:30 – 12:30) – 5th March to 23rd April 2025
  • Tuesdays (10:30 – 12:30) – 13th May to 1st July 2025

Booking required as places are limited. For more information and to book, please contact Christina Bulow: cb2293@cam.ac.uk or call 01223 333 230.

Drama-based Dementia Workshop at Royston Library

Free ‘Escape to the Sea’ Workshop at Royston Library – tickets available from Royston Library for this drama based workshop for people living with dementia and their carers. 2-3pm on 13 March with playwright and actress Jenny Ayres. Seated event with limited places, refreshments available.

Live Online Strength & Balance Classes

Twice weekly live online Strength & Balance classes with Lou from Cambridge Bootcamps – first session is FREE but booking is essential via https://gocbc.fit/

BPHA Northstowe Cuppa & Chat

Every second Thursday in the month 9.30-11.30am, you can have a cuppa and a chat in The Cabin with housing association BPHA about housing, volunteering or getting a local group or activity off the ground. No need to book, just drop-in.

South Cambs Neighbourhood Policing

Get to know the local Neighbourhood Policing team for South Cambs as well as details of events that residents can attend to discuss what matters to them: https://www.cambs.police.uk/police-forces/cambridgeshire-constabulary/areas/campaigns/nhp/neighbourhood-policing/South-Cambridgeshire/

 Temporary Closure of Cambourne Library

Cambourne Library will be closed from Monday 24th March for approximately 3 months for refurbishment. From Monday 31st March there will be additional hours in Papworth and Comberton Libraries with a mobile stop at Cambourne Hub once a month.